I have a disability that requires some adjustment to be made
Most courts have hearing loop facilities and you can check the information for local courts here. If you have a sensory impairment that means you are better able to hear or see if you sit at a particular angle or in a particular location just let the court staff or the judge know before the hearing or at the start of the hearing.
Most courts have accessible entrances for those with mobility impairments.
If you require some other adjustment you should contact the court in advance of the hearing.
I need an interpreter
The Court will usually provide an interpreter but you must let the court know in advance so that they can book an interpreter who speaks the right language.
I am fearful and need special arrangements for my safety
If you have been the victim of domestic abuse, you can ask the court staff in advance of the hearing if you want to enter the court through a separate entrance or if you need a separate waiting area.
If you do not feel able to be in the courtroom with your ex because of domestic abuse you can ask the court for “special measures” so that you can participate in hearings. This might include using screens so you can be in the courtroom but feel less intimidated, or you attending via videolink from a secure part of the court building. Sometimes this happens for the whole hearing and sometimes just whilst you are giving evidence. You will need to make an application to the court in advance of the hearing so that a decision can be made about this and arrangements put in place. Use form C2 if the case is about children or form FP1 if not.
You will usually be allowed to bring your support worker into court with you.
Use form C8 if you need to keep your address confidential.
Feature image (help button) courtesy of Eva the Weaver on Flickr – thanks :-)