
Update re possible covid at Bristol CJC

We have been sent the following update, dated Friday 11 September 2020.

Operational update regarding Bristol Civil & Family Justice Centre

On Tuesday morning (8 September 2020), we became aware of 4 members of staff who have developed symptoms of COVID-19. All were told to have a COVID-19 Test and self- isolate until the results were known.

Currently, two of these tests were returned negative, one is outstanding, and one is still to be undertaken.

We continue to advise all court users who came to Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre on Monday 7 September to monitor their own health and look out for any Covid-19 symptoms such as cough, fever or loss of taste/smell. COVID-19 Public health guidance is available on

Our current expectation is that Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre will be open as normal during week commencing Monday 14 September.

Yours sincerely

Helen Andrews MBE

Operations Manager

Bristol Civil & Family Justice Centre