
‘First one thousand days’ – Homestart Conference

Friday the 23 June 2017

Are too many children coming into the care system? Can better community care prevent this?

Recent research has indicated that the number of children coming into care is rising and that this is even more prevalent in deprived areas. In view of drastic cutbacks in statutory funding to both children’s centres and voluntary organisations this figure is only likely to rise.

Homestart is one such organisation that supports vulnerable families and is holding this conference in part to fundraise.

Speakers include Anthony Douglas CEO of Cafcass, Dr Freda Gardner psychologist and court expert, Annie a mother who had her children removed from her and then returned after the court process, Professor Kate Morris head of social work at Sheffield University and researcher into this topic.

Conference to be chaired by Judge Stephen Wildblood QC

To be held at Eastington Community Centre (5 mins from Stroud M5 Junction 13 turn off) GL10 3AQ

Time 9.15am – 3.15pm

Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite here. Ticket enquiries (early booking discount, group/special discounts etc) should be sent to