DFJ News News

New Videos show what a Financial Remedies Hearing looks like

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Two short videos have been produced by HHJ Cope with solicitors and barristers playing the various roles. The first video shows what happens before the first court hearing. The second video shows the court hearing itself. The films are aimed at helping parties who are involved in financial remedy proceedings and do not have a solicitor or barrister. The films may also assist those who are represented but would like see how a typical hearing might proceed. The videos are available on YouTube but can be viewed below.

Discussions before court hearing:

The court hearing:

DFJ News News

New Designated Family Judge for Bristol

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Her Honour Judge Stephanie Cope was appointed as the Designated Family Judge for Bristol, effective 11 March 2024, taking over from HHJ Stephen Wildblood KC, who retired in late 2023.

Her Honour Judge Cope was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in 1995 and called to the Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) in 2008. She was appointed as a Deputy District Judge in 2007, a District Judge in 2012 and as a Circuit Judge in 2020. She was authorised to sit as a High Court Judge in the Family Division under section 9(1) of the Senior Courts Act 1981 in 2023.

As DFJ, Judge Cope is the senior Circuit Judge responsible for family court work in Bristol and her remit covers the family courts in Bristol, Bath, Weston and Gloucester. She will be based at the court in Bristol.

For information, as a result of building works at the court in Taunton, many ‘Taunton’ hearings are currently taking place in Weston or Yeovil. The Designated Family Judge for Taunton is HHJ Kathryn Skellorn KC.

You can read more about the structure of the Family Court here.


Family Justice Council Conference (‘Private Law – a proportionate and safe approach’) & Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture

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Wednesday 6 April 2022

9.30am – 4.30pm

In Doubletree by Hilton, Bristol

‘Private Law – a proportionate and safe approach’

The Family Justice Council will be holding its annual interdisciplinary conference in Bristol on Wednesday 6 April 2022. This year’s topic will be ‘Private Law – a proportionate and safe approach’.

The event will be hosted by Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and Chair of the FamilyJustice Council. It will have as its focal point, the annual Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture, which will be given by Helen Adam – Senior Mediator and chair of the Family Solutions working group. 

The Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture, now in its fifth year, was set up to commemorate the life and work of Bridget Lindley OBE who died in 2016.  Bridget served with distinction as a member of the Family JusticeCouncil and as the Family Rights Group’s Principal Legal Adviser and Deputy Chief Executive.  

The conference will incorporate speakers and group discussions and will culminate in a plenary session.  

Please note that this is being advertised as an in person only event. There is no charge for attending.  

Please register for this event via eventbrite.

A full programme and information on how to sign up for breakout groups will be provided in due course.


Domestic Abuse Act 2021 – Implications for practice and procedure

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9 December 2021 from 4.30-6pm (via Teams)

Members of the Western Circuit, Judges, legal and Family Court professionals, Court users and staff are all invited to join an introduction to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, and short presentations on implications for practice and procedure.

We are very fortunate to have Mrs Justice Gwynneth Knowles DBE to give an overview and introduction, and Mrs Justice Roberts DBE, our Family Division Liaison Judge, to chair the presentations.

There will be time for questions following the presentations.


  • Mrs Justice Gwynneth Knowles– Lead Judge on issues of Domestic Abuse
  • Mrs Justice Jennifer Roberts– Family Division Liaison Judge, Western Circuit
  • HHJ Stephen Wildblood QC, Designated Family Judge, Bristol.
  • HHJ Caroline Wright, Designated Family Judge, Swindon and Wiltshire
  • Natalie Wyatt, Senior Improvement Manager (Cafcass)
  • Hannah Penfold, HMCTS, senior legal manager South West


To join, please use this link

Microsoft Teams meeting

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+44 20 3855 4748,,249988537#   United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 249 988 537#

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DFJ News News

“It’s your Family Court” – Debate to discuss the workings of the Family Court

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His Honour Judge Stephen Wildblood QC, Designated Family Judge for Bristol, Gloucestershire and North Somerset invites you to attend this debate to discuss the workings of the Family Court.

Members of the Public and Professional Court users are invited to join an on-line debate to discuss the workings of the Family Court which will take place on Wednesday 17 November 2021 from 4.30pm to 6.30pm via Microsoft Team.

The Panel:

The debate will be hosted by the Designated Family Judge- His Honour Judge Stephen Wildblood QC with contributions from Guest Speakers:

  • Claire Molyneux – Family Mediator, of Mills and Reeve, solicitors.
  • Jeremy Thompson– Bristol Manager of Support Through Court.
  • Amanda Crutchley– University of Law and LIP scheme co-ordinator.
  • Jerry Fowler – Family Delivery Manager- Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre.
  • Emma Whewell, solicitor, mediator and Senior lecturer in law – UWE.

The topics

The debate will focus on some specific topics to be confirmed but will include:

  • The public’s view on the use of mediation in the Family courts as opposed to attending court. How can we increase the use of mediation and arbitration as a means of resolving disagreements in relation to children, finances and other issues?
  • How do you feel about hearings being carried out remotely (e.g. by Microsoft Teams) rather than by everyone attending a courtroom?
  • How can we improve the support that is available to litigants in person in dealing with the Family Court?
  • How can we reduce the number of cases that are coming into the Family Court? Terms of reference for this debate- please read

The Family Court wishes to hear the view of the General Public and its perception on how the Family Court operates in this area and how we might serve the local population better. So, all comments will be welcomed.

However, the debate cannot consider any issues relating to specific cases that have been or are currently in the Family Court system; not only would it be unfair for such issues to be discussed, it would also be illegal.

We regret to say that if anyone begins to raise issues relating to a specific case, the chair of the debate (HHJ Wildblood QC) will have to intervene.

Further, Judges cannot be asked to comment on political matters or whether the current law should be changed.

Joining instructions:

Click here to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams or by telephone by dialing 020 3443 8791 then enter Phone Conference ID: 436 171 273#

In order to gauge interest in this event, please can you confirm your attendance to the Family Delivery Manager – Jerry Fowler by telephone to 0117 3664880 or by e-mail to jerry.fowler@justice.gov.uk

Dowload Flyer here.


Update re possible covid at Bristol CJC

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We have been sent the following update, dated Friday 11 September 2020.

Operational update regarding Bristol Civil & Family Justice Centre

On Tuesday morning (8 September 2020), we became aware of 4 members of staff who have developed symptoms of COVID-19. All were told to have a COVID-19 Test and self- isolate until the results were known.

Currently, two of these tests were returned negative, one is outstanding, and one is still to be undertaken.

We continue to advise all court users who came to Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre on Monday 7 September to monitor their own health and look out for any Covid-19 symptoms such as cough, fever or loss of taste/smell. COVID-19 Public health guidance is available on GOV.uk.

Our current expectation is that Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre will be open as normal during week commencing Monday 14 September.

Yours sincerely

Helen Andrews MBE

Operations Manager

Bristol Civil & Family Justice Centre


Notice Re Covid 19 at Bristol CJC

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See below the text of a notice (attached) to court users about covid 19 from HMCTS. It affects anyone who was at the court on 7 September 2020. At the time of writing it does not appear the court will be closed but we will post any update that we become aware of on this site once we have it.

On the morning of 8 September 2020, we became aware of four members of staff who have developed symptoms of COVID-19. All have been told to have a COVID-19 Test and self- isolate until the results are known.

As a precautionary step we will be closing off specific parts of the building to undertake Section 16 cleans.

We advise all court users who came to Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre on Monday, 7th September to monitor their own health and look out for any Covid-19 symptoms such as cough, fever or loss of taste/smell. COVID-19 Public health guidance is available on GOV.uk.

We understand the level of concern this will generate for court and tribunal users and we are taking this situation very seriously. We will respond in a way that is responsible, proportionate and consistent with NHS and public health advice. The measures we have put in place in all our buildings, as part of our COVID-19 risk management arrangements, are extensive and satisfy public health guidelines for a COVID-secure environment; these include social distancing, modified search on entry procedures, wearing of face coverings in all public areas and frequent cleaning. Our buildings are not considered ‘close contact’ settings.

This information is being shared with the local justice partners and professional court users.

Our current expectation is that Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre will be open as normal on Wednesday, 9 September.